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A Southern Californian's Forays into Ice and Alpinism

Tue, 2019-01-22

Speaker: Jonathan Regele

"As a kid that grew up in southern California, snow was a novelty to me. In late high school and college I became interested in rock climbing and mountaineering. In 1999 I got my first taste of ice and alpinism and there was no turning back. Shortly thereafter I began pursuing technical alpine and water ice climbs with a passion. In this talk, I will tell the story of how I began my climbing career in southern California where snow and ice are hard to find and within the next several years was able to climb many peaks in the Sierras, Cascades, Colorado and Canadian Rockies."

Trip Location: 
United States
45° 22' 31.0872" N, 121° 41' 53.8908" W

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