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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

Mud Duck and Tabone "Ski" the Disappointment Cleaver Route on Mt. Rainier

Tue, 2024-10-22

In late May of 2024 Greg Huey (Mud Duck) and Tadz Kostrubala (Tabone) successfully summitted and “skied” the Disappointment Cleaver (DC) Route on Rainier. Join us for this presentation as they discuss the DC route, which is the standard ascent for Rainier and the not-so-standard ski descent attempt. The DC route is the most popular route to the summit of Washington State's highest mountain, which peaks out at 14,411 feet. The route climbs 9,000 feet on snowfields and glaciers.

The Centennials of Colorado

Tue, 2024-09-24

Toni Taylor will describe her journey to climb the 100 (actually 101) highest peaks in Colorado, known as the Centennial Peaks. Toni climbed her first Colorado “14er”, Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, in 1984. With her husband, Stuart Trugman, she finished climbing all the 14ers in 2002 and continued to reclimb many of these peaks with her children, Anna and Daniel, until they both climbed all of them as well.

Adventures in Indonesia

Tue, 2024-08-27

In June 2023, James Hunter and Beth Cortright joined two of their friends on a tour around a handful of islands in Indonesia. They hiked to see Komodo Dragons in the wild, visited a few caves and waterfalls, and climbed Mount Rinjani, the second tallest volcano in Indonesia.

James Hunter is a life-long resident of Los Alamos, active in rock climbing, caving, hiking, and many other outdoor activities. Beth Cortright has lived in Los Alamos for 12 years. She enjoys hiking, climbing, caving, and backpacking.

LAM Meeting at Camp May - Campfire Stories

Tue, 2024-07-23

On July 23, 2024, the Los Alamos Mountaineers will have a special program event where we will share "Campfire Stories" at the pavilion at Camp May on the Pajarito Ski Hill.  Specifically, we will have a series of short (3-10 minute) talks given by mountaineers about their adventures (hiking, biking, climbing, skiing, boating) around a campfire at the pavilion. Do you have an adventure you’d like to share? We welcome additional stories as time allows.

Wilderness Character Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West and How You Can Help

Tue, 2024-06-25

Daryl Kohut, Katie Goodleaf, and Mike Fugate will speak volunteering in service of wilderness at the June 25 Mountaineers meeting. In collaboration with Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, a variety of initiatives at the Rio Grande National Forest are designed for public participation in crucial volunteer work. Particularly notable is the wilderness character monitoring program, a long-term project significantly bolstered by volunteer efforts, involving the collection of water samples in Wilderness areas on National Forest Service lands.

The Changing Landscape of Ultrarunning: 25 Years of Perspective and a Look Forward

Tue, 2024-05-28

Dave Coblentz will speak about ultrarunning at the May 28 Mountaineers meeting. In the past 25 years, ultrarunning (running competitions longer than marathon distance) has transitioned from a fringe sport with about 10,000 total finishes in 1998 to more than 130,000 total finishes in 2023. Consequently, there are many more runners training and competing on remote trails. In contrast to ultrarunners from 25 years ago, many of these runners lack backcountry experience and the number of search and rescue responses involving trail runners has increased markedly in recent years.

Climbing Ecuador's Volcanoes

Tue, 2024-04-23

Rick Rubio will speak about climbing Ecuador’s volcanoes at the April 23 Mountaineers meeting. Rubio, along with five friends, climbed five of Ecuador’s volcanoes in December 2023, culminating with a climb of 6,263-meter (20,548 foot) Chimborazo. Chimborazo, 39th highest summit in the Andes, is farthest point on Earth's surface from the Earth's center, due to its location along the planet's equatorial bulge. It was the first mountain over 20,000 feet climbed by Europeans. The 1880 summit expedition was led by Edward Whymper, who was also the first to climb the Matterhorn.

Summiting New Mexico’s highest 186 peaks

Tue, 2024-03-26



Phil Robinson will speak about New Mexico’s highest peaks at the March 26 Mountaineers meeting. While hundreds have summited all of the Colorado’s more than 50 14ers, the retired Albuquerque Public Schools science teacher is the only person who has hiked New Mexico’s highest 186 peaks (with the exception of a pair of 12,000-foot peaks in the Taos Pueblo.) He has hiked over 100 other peaks.

Skiing in Antarctica

Tue, 2024-02-27

Rob Suminsby will speak about skiing in Antarctica at the February 27 Mountaineers meeting.

Gates of the Arctic National Park

Tue, 2024-01-23

Tanja Pietrass will speak at the January 23 Mountaineers meeting, recounting her expedition to the Gates of the Arctic National Park.


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