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Middle Fork of the Salmon Raft trip

Wed, 2020-07-15
Bill Priedhorsky
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One of the classic river runs in North America is the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho, running through the River of No Return wilderness. We had a wonderful trip down the Middle Fork in July 2016, hosted by Terry Morgan and Lorrie Bonds Lopez, and catered by Hughes River Expeditions of Stanley, Idaho. Between the rafting and kayaking, fly fishing for trout, the semi-desert scenery, and fabulous food, it was a trip to remember. It is time to organize our return trip. The 6-day, 5-night trip floats down a crystal-clear river, through wild country, dropping from forest to grassland over the course of the trip. There are opportunities to paddle rafts or ride an oar raft, and may be opportunities to pilot one's own small craft. More details of the trip can be found at I'm in it for the fly fishing, and will pay extra for a fishing raft and guide. That raft can carry one more fisherman.


Mid-July is about the best time of year for this trip, with the river down from its peak and warm weather, but enough water to run the full 100-mile route. We will need to be in Stanley, Idaho, by the evening of July 15, 2020, and we will be shuttled to the launch site starting early on the morning of July 16. The takeout is on July 21, and we will be shuttled back to Stanley to arrive about dinner time. Most folks will head for home the next day.

Hughes River is holding a block of reservations for us. By booking this year, we will lock in 2019 rates of   $2560/adult; $2450/youth, plus $24/person US Forest Service Recreation Enhancement Fee.  The deposit to hold a slot is $700; final balance will be due 60 days prior to launch. Seats on the fishing raft cost $900 extra. The outfitter will provide most of the camping gear, and even sets up tents before we arrive at the campsite.

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