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Steep by Tom Jungst

Tue, 2019-06-25

Tom Jungst took extreme skiing to another level in the early 1980s by combining his skills as a ski racer with ice and rock climbing to create complex routes from Europe to Alaska to the Northern Rockies. The remote peaks of Montana became a testing ground for a new style of extreme skiing that led him to article in every major ski magazine and even Rolling Stone! By the mid 1980s, Tom was skiing for Warren Miller and the wild crew put together by Greg Stump.

Classic ski films featuring Tom such as "Going to Extremes," "License to Thrill," or "Groove Requiem" are still popular today. As Tom's skillset expanded, he achieved two ski descents of the Grande Teton and multiple solo climbs. He completed the third and fastest ascent of "The Tempest" — rated A5 — in 13 days on El Capitan with Alex Lowe. Please join Tom as he shares some of the ups and downs of his mountain adventures at the June Mountaineers meeting!


The month meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC)  2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544

Social at 6:45.  Reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:05pm.   Program to follow.

Visitors are always welcome!  Free refreshments!

Trip Location: 
United States
45° 15' 25.3476" N, 111° 18' 10.4472" W

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