John Smedley will be the featured speaker this month. Mount Whitney (el 14495’) is the tallest mountain in the lower 48. It is a powerful spire, towering more
than 10k feet above Lone Pine CA (el 3727’), making for an impressive contrast with the surrounding
landscape. It is an aggressive hike – 22 miles, 6800’ el gain, but well maintained and achievable with an
early start in a single day. This presentation will cover the approach we took to the summit, as well as the
permitting required and a bit about the other approaches. I’ll also cover an 11 day, hiking focused rafting
trip down the whole length of the grand canyon, one of the other singular outdoor adventures I’ve been
lucky to participate in.
The month meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the planetarium of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC) 2600 Canyon Rd, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Social at 6:45. Reports of recent and upcoming trips at 7:05pm. Program to follow.
Visitors are always welcome! Free refreshments!
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