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Tenth Mountain Division Hut Trip

Thu, 2012-08-30
Felicia Orth

August 30-September 3, 2011 | Tenth Mountain Division Hut Trip
The sixth annual summer weekend trip to a 10th Mountain Division Hut will be to 10th Mountain Hut, August 31- September 2, 2011 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights).  We will pack up and return to Los Alamos on Monday, the 3rd of September (Labor Day holiday).  The 10th Mountain Hut, at 11,370 ft, is nestled at timberline just east of the Continental Divide, and offers many opportunities to hike at various levels, from gentle to moderate, and, if some are ambitious and want to get up early for a long day, climbing Mt. Massive or another nearby 14er. There are numerous lakes near the Hut as well, for those who want to bring fishing equipment.  This will be the second visit by the Mountaineers to 10th Mountain Hut.

As in previous years, we will drive up to Leadville the day before, on August 30, and stay overnight.  Participants will make their own reservations in Leadville or nearby for that night.  The Columbine Inn has been cooperative about letting some of us leave cars while we are at the Hut.  The Delaware Hotel is a notable and comfortable place to stay.  A group dinner can be planned for those who are in Leadville by dinner time on August 30. Participants meet at the Columbine Inn at 9:00 AM on August 31, and carpool to the trailhead parking lot, on the road up to the Hut.  One or more 4x4 cars/trucks will drive to the Hut with the coolers and heavy items. The rest of us will hike to the hut with day packs.  Felicia and Evan will have a planning pot luck dinner meeting in August before the trip.

The 10th Mountain huts sleep 16 and are fully equipped with propane cooking stoves, cooking and eating equipment, photovoltaic lighting, etc.  Six places for next September's trip have already been spoken for, so ten places remain. You may e-mail your interest in joining us next year to Felicia (see above) with a cc to Bill (  The cost this year, as last year, is $100/person.  Checks can be sent to Bill Priedhorsky at 380 Rim Road, Los Alamos, NM 87544, made out to Bill Priedhorsky/Canyon Adventures. Your reservation is made when your check is in Bill’s hand.  After filling the trip we will maintain a standby list to accommodate cancellations. In case of cancellation, refunds will be made when the spot is filled.  Let us know if you would like to join us next Labor Day weekend. We're looking forward to another great Hut trip!
As of mid-May 3 of the 16 slots remain open.

Sincerely, Felicia, Evan, and Bill

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