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December Potpourri Meeting

Wed, 2012-12-19

 The December meeting will celebrate our member's adventures during 2012 through a potpourri of presentations. The tentative lineup (some previews below) includes:
Daffy Does Peru - Paula Barclay & Cathy Grastataro
Two couples, two weeks, two fabulous ancient Incan cities. And that doesn't even begin to describe the incredible Andean scenery.
Canyon Adventures - William Priedhorsky
Ten Minutes in the Khumbu, Nepal - Donathan Krier & Kelly Gallagher
A November trek in the Mt. Everest region.
Grand Traverse of the Vail Pass Winter Recreation Area - Michael Altherr
Adventure in Wales – Melanee and David Hand
Boating the Salmon River during a Wildfire - John Martin for Dennis Brandt
The meeting will also be a dessert festival. Please bring your favorite cookies, cakes, pies, or just yourselves. We'd like to be setting up the desserts by 7:15, be sharing desserts by 7:30, and start the presentations at 8:00. As usual, we will be meeting in the Great Room of Fuller Lodge, on the usual date - 3rd Wednesday of the month, December 19th.
Please come on out to enjoy some of our member's adventures from this year.

Michael Altherr (2012 Programs Director & 2013 President) and the Mountaineers Board


Cholatse and Taboche Peaks, both above 21,000 feet, and Ngozumba glacier. About a mile below the peaks lies the village of Gokyo, one of the highest inhabited places in the world.


Canoeing past the Mustang Complex Fire in Idaho, August.


Violent but beautiful morning storm above Scorpion Gulch in the Escalante country.


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