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Future program presenters are requested to send the Programs Chair (officer list here) brief write-ups of your intended presentations and one or two representative photos. This information will be posted on the webpage and included in the local newspapers, handouts, and posters. Note that future presentations are listed as well, if we have the details. Presentations predating this website can be found here

The Geology of Climbing: How the Rocks Make the Routes

Wed, 2012-06-20

Los Alamos Mountaineers SWAP MEET is Wednesday, June 20 at Fuller Lodge from 6:45 to 7:30 pm

Doug Shepherd - "Winter Alpine Climbing: The Idiot's Guide to Self-Abuse"

Wed, 2012-05-16


LAM Club business starts at 7:30. Presentation at 8:00.

"Winter Alpine Climbing: The Idiot's Guide to Self-Abuse"


Doug Shepherd, in his own words:

Adventures in the Juneau Icefields

Wed, 2012-04-18

Matt Heavner

Matt Heavner will describe the Juneau Icefield in Southeast Alaska. Anyone who has visited the city of Juneau, Alaska has very likely visited the Mendenhall Glacier, which is just the very tip of the icefield. The Juneau icefield is the fifth-largest ice field in the Western Hemisphere extending through an area of 3,900 square kilometers.

March 21, 2012 - Dennis Brandt

Wed, 2012-03-21

The White Rim of Canyonlands National Park


February 15, 2012 - "Stone Calendars of the Southwest"


February 15, 2012

"Stone Calendars of the Southwest"

by Ron Barber


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